Purpose | Mission or Your WHY: WHY is a purpose, a cause or a belief. Making money is not a purpose. Revenues, profits, salaries and other monetary measurements are simply results of what we do.
Why do you exist?
Why would this matter to anyone else?
Why does what you do matter to people?
Why does it matter to you?
Vision: A vision describes what your business will be like and how your consumers will see your brand going forward. It should be something that will create an impact that is both aspirational and inspirational. Your vision should clearly identify what your ambitions are and the purpose of your brand and should give your clients an idea of how your brand can guide them and solve their challenges.
How will your future customers describe your brand?
What problem do you seek to solve?
Why do you believe this problem needs to be addressed?
Does this problem matter to other people?
Are there changes you believe your business can make?
What are the greatest strengths of your business?
What is your dream for your business?
Values: Your brand values are the beliefs that you, as a company, stand for. They serve as the compass that guides your actions, behaviors, and decision-making process.
What is important to you as a business?
Unique Value Proposition or Your HOW: Your UVP is the thing that makes you special or sets you apart from your competition. It’s a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer, how you solve your customer's needs and what distinguishes you from the competition.
What makes you special or unique?
What do you do that your competitors do not?
Why have your existing clients chosen you over your competitors?
What is your competitive advantage?
What makes your service different from that of your competitors?
If you could only offer 20% of what you fully offer, what would it be?
Positioning: Your brand positioning is how you are different from your competitors and where, or how, you are perceived in clients minds.
Our services are for people who believe...
We will focus on people who want...
We promise that engaging with what we do will help you get...
Do you want less, high-quality clients or a greater overall volume of clients?
Where do you see your business in your marketplace?
Can you identify three competitors, one where you want to be, one where you are currently and one where you don’t want to be?
What is the smallest viable market you can serve and survive?
Personality: Your brand as a person and how s/he would relate to your clients.
If your business was a person, what type of person would they be like?
What are their core personality traits?
What are their worldviews?
How do they interact with others?
What are their interests? Likes, dislikes?
How do they want to make people feel?
Who do they wish to connect with?